Saturday, April 14, 2007

Saturday Adventure

As happens quite often on Team Blankenship, we had to break for lunch and reconfigure our plans after several hitches in our get-alongs threatened to derail the whole day.

"If we're backin' up, it's just to get a running start..." said Willie Nelson.

I'd planned to go press the flesh at the Expo Center. The plan was: print out some postcards/photos to hand out to people at the swap meet if their work was out of the ordinary or would make good photos. So then I would trade them: I get the photos for my portfolio and they would get a free CD of photos of their stuff. Good way to build up samples, etc. Get references. Et cetera.

But, long story short: after several trips to Walgreens, resending files and printing one at a time, we decided to just bag it and have the photos printed for tomorrow morning. Do the expo center early and get some photocards handed out. Then meet with the guys about the Sunday Art Mart booth in the afternoon.

So we fended off a nearly fatal attack of falling blood sugar by heading to lunch @ nearby Taco Del Mar.

way too much food; what was I thinking??

And we had until 3:30 on our bus transfers, so we decided to slum it and go to City Liquidators. This is down by where Keith works, old rail warehouse district. Pretty cool stuff. So I'd never been there before, but I will definitely be going back! Here's just a sampling of things we put on our Wish List for Our House and other assorted oddities...

Keith outside City Liquidators

Walk/Don't Walk sign, Motion Picture like in a Chinese restaurant, $5 muppet chairs
Want, Hilarious/Maybe, No

huge Color sign, diorama, old timey fridge
so wanted but not for sale, weird, definitely must have

Keith is saying, "Take the #$%&* picture because there's people coming and my pants have a huge hole in the crotch." And me laughing. huge old timey camera, old store displays
hahaha, want but impractical, and no

mailboxes, maniquix, and a lot of cool mirrors everywhere
want even though it's impractical, never need one, eventually

Then we swung by the skatepark under the Burnside Bridge.

Then we walked over Burnside Bridge.
In this photo there's at least 3 other bridges.

from the bridge, looking south:

a really nice day even though it's overcast

Stopped to check out the Saturday market.

Rode the MAX home.
The end.


RockO said...

hahahaha. that's funny.

that hole in the crotch pic.

Arika said...

Where is that city liquidator store, it looks amazing. At least worth the 45 minute drive to portland

April said...

Here's their website:
and the address is
823 SE 3rd Avenue Portland, OR 97214