Sunday, May 14, 2006

We're done.

Amanda's graduation from the UofI was this weekend. Family from all over and a good celebration. She didn't trip on the stage and we all hollered when her name was called to get her (stand-in) diploma.

We also went with my grandpa to visit his old frat house, which he hadn't been in since 1951! He had some great stories for us, including the time he was tied to the flag pole and drenched with a fire house after "pinning" my grandma. She was supposed to come rescue him, but they had a hard time finding her. It was January---19° outside. He said he was surprised he didn't die on pneumonia on the spot.

My graduation ceremony was this weekend, too, at UM. Obviously, I wasn't there. But that was the plan all along. I'm not so big on the ceremony part; I know I graduated. Maybe I'll make it to my Master's ceremony.


Lance Fisher said...

Whenever I graduate I won't be going to the graduation ceremony. Those things are so boring. Maybe I'll have a reception party.

RockO said...

my professor was really stoned at our graduation ceremony...and he admited it. he was an asshole though.